Marietta welcomes new faculty

With a new school year underway, MC is introducing new faculty members to its community

New Faculty

The start of the Fall 2022 semester welcomed a pool of talented new professors to Marietta College’s faculty. Get to know a little about them as they answer five questions.

Nicole Whitaker

What is your title? Assistant Professor of Education

What is your primary teaching focus? STEM Education

What degrees do you hold? B.S. Psychology (minor Sociology) Wofford College; M.Ed. Instructional Practice, Lipscomb University; Ph.D. STEM Education, The Ohio State University

What were the last three books you read? Quiet by Susan Cain; Becoming a Student-Ready College; and Building Thinking Classroom by Peter Liljedahl

What is your favorite place to visit? Nashville, Tennessee

Eric Thacker

What is your title? Visiting Lecturer in Business and Economics (just moved here from Silicon Valley)

What is your primary teaching focus? Management and Strategy

What degrees do you hold? B.A. from Cornell and two masters degrees from UC Berkeley

What were the last three books you read? Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt; Vol 2 and 3 of Winston Churchill’s biography

What is your favorite place to visit? Looneyville, West Virginia

Jordan Reed

What is your title? Instructor or Music and Recruiter for The Edward E. MacTaggart Department of Music

What is your primary teaching focus? General Music Courses, Saxophone, and Jazz Ensemble

What degrees do you hold? B.M. and M.M. in Saxophone Performance from Ohio University; DMA (ABD) in Saxophone Performance from Ohio State

What were the last three books you read? Anthony Bourdain: The Last Interview and Other Conversations by Helen Rosner; Eat a Peach: A Memoir by David Chang; Blackbird Pie by Haven Blough (Marietta College Music Therapy Student)

What is your favorite place to visit? As of right now, Boston, Massachusetts (75% for the food).

Jeremy May

What is your title? Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Environmental Science

What is your primary teaching focus? Botany and General Biology

What degrees do you hold? B.S. in Biology from Grand Valley State University; M.S. in Biology from Grand Valley State University; Ph.D. in Biology from Florida International University

What were the last three books you read? Four Past Midnight by Stephen King; The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts (I have read this many times but reread it annually); and The Rise and Fall of Dinosaurs: A New History into Their Lost World by Steve Brusatte

What is your favorite place to visit? My favorite place to travel is Alaska. I have been going up for the past 15 years for fieldwork but have also had the opportunity for lots of leisure travel as well. It is a vast, beautiful state and I have had many great experiences traveling around.

Elizabeth Davenport

What is your title? Art Instructor

What is your primary teaching focus? I specialize in Art Foundations (Drawing, Painting, 2 & 3D Design).

What degrees do you hold? M.A. and MFA from The University of Iowa; a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate from Brandeis University; B.A. from Bridgewater State University

What were the last three books you read? My Favorite Thing is Monsters by Emil Ferris; Blood Child by Octavia E. Butler; and Bed by Maira Kalman

What is your favorite place to visit? Rockaway Beach in Queens. It’s accessible by train from my former neighborhood. I love getting there early morning in the summertime, getting an arepa and an ice coffee from the boardwalk before spreading out my blanket, dipping in the ocean when it gets too hot to stay still.

Miranda Collins

Miranda Collins

What is your title? Associate Professor in the Physician Assistant Studies Program.

What is your primary teaching focus? Course coordinator for PASP 516 Professional Issues I, PASP 502 Physical Exam I and PASP Physical Exam II; team teach in PASP 520 Clinical Medicine I and PASP 522 Clinical Medicine II.

What degrees do you hold? B.S. in Medical Science from Alderson Broaddus College (now University); M.S. in Physician Assistant Studies from University of Nebraska; M.A. in Education from Marietta College.

What were the last three books you read? The Invitation by Lucy Foley; The Winter Guest by Pam Jenoff; and Memphis by Tara Stringfellow.

What is your favorite place to visit? Anywhere in the Florida Keys.