
Sue and Larry Hiser pledge $25,000 toward the softball complex renovation project

In early 2021, Larry Hiser was asked what he considered his biggest accomplishments as Marietta College’s Director of Athletics and Recreation.

He talked about the growth of the department by adding golf, lacrosse and esports, as well as competing on a national stage in men’s and women’s basketball, and baseball. He also talked about the solidification of football and the programs he felt were on the verge of playing for OAC championships, including volleyball, crew, soccer, lacrosse, and softball.

Of course, he praised the commitment of donors and the College that made a huge impact on improving facilities for football, baseball, soccer, crew, and lacrosse. However, he felt there was an opportunity to help softball.

With months of activity planning under his belt for the 50th anniversary of the Title IX celebration, Hiser decided to speak with his wife, Sue, about possibly helping in a more personal way. Given her collegiate athletic background, she was completely on board. Hiser informed Dr. Josh Jacobs, Marietta College’s Vice President for Advancement, that he and his wife wanted to make a $25,000 pledge toward a new softball facility.

“Once we got baseball finished, I knew we needed to let softball players make the same decisions for the same reasons as baseball players. For example, if a couple baseball players want to get some extra ground balls ten minutes after it stops raining, they can. Our softball players don’t have that option. There are all kinds of other decisions that Coach (Jenn) Castle will be able to make with turf and lights that she currently cannot — indoor/outdoor practice, time of practice, playing games/rescheduling games, playing day games, or night games.”

And there are more advantages.

“It all leads to increased quantity and quality of repetitions without taking up more time. Therefore, it leads to player improvement. The hallmark of any good college program is that the players get better. So, you can see why Sue and I believe in providing access to top-flight athletic facilities. It enables our student-athletes to have a better, higher-level experience,” Hiser says.

It is a significant financial commitment, but Hiser knew it would only make a small dent in what was truly needed to fund the project. Then, in February, President Bill Ruud secured a $750,000 donation from Joseph A. Chlapaty and his wife, Linda, long-time benefactors.

“I remember when President Ruud called me to tell me. I was in San Antonio at the NCAA Convention, and I got goose bumps on my arms right there in the hotel lobby,” Hiser says. “Josh and I had been trying to find someone to step up and make a transformational gift, and once again, it was Joe and Linda. They continue to amaze me with their support of Marietta College and, even more so, their patronage of Pioneer Athletics. It is truly humbling to know of their support.”

Hiser says this project resonated with him because “It was the right thing to do, and I hope this encourages others to join me. I don’t have a daughter that this will impact, but I hope my daughter appreciates what I’m doing for female athletes.”

The focus of the facility upgrades will include a full turf field, lights, bleachers and a press box. The College is also investigating the cost of a scoreboard and concession/restroom pavilion that would also improve the experience for soccer, women’s lacrosse and tennis fans. 

“Ultimately, we could call it the ‘Jane Doe’ Sports Complex, if the fundraising continues at this rate,” Hiser says.

The Chlapatys challenged the College to raise an additional $350,000 to receive their full gift. Jacobs said the Hisers’ gift is a great start, and he also shared that Jeff Schaly ’90, Assistant Athletics Director for Sports Information and Compliance, has pledged an additional $5,000.

“We are speaking with alumni every day about this project and are confident we will reach and hopefully exceed the $350,000 challenge,” Jacobs says. “Any former player, alum or friend of the College who is interested in learning more about the project, or would like to talk about making a gift, should feel free to contact me directly.”

Jacobs can be reached at or (740) 376-4711.

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